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Current Saskatoon Time

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

All Caught Up! -


A rose from outside Bryan's work @ CNH.

I am all caught up with the blog. Our trip back to Canada is all posted. I must appologize for the look of some of the posts. I've been having some trouble with the spacings and such and have been changing the 'html' and I think that is the problem. I need to gain more knowledge about 'html'. I'll get there though, patience is what I need.

Anyway, before I post a couple of our latest adventures from Australia I just want to let you all know (some of you already know) that Bryan and I are now a 'Great Uncle and Great Auntie'. My niece Allison and her husband Trevor had a beautiful baby boy on Feb 20, 2009.

Allison and Trevor I hope you don't mind that I stole a couple of pictures off of your blog. I just had to brag a bit!

Oh ya, I almost forgot to mention that I found a job and I am now employed full time. I am working at the 'Children's Hospital at Westmead'. I started Thursday March 12 2009 and will be working 8am - 5pm with every second Friday off. I'm told it is one of the best children's hospital in Australia. My position is 'Clinical Support Officer for General Medicine'. I am the support for the paediatricians in the general medicine department. It will be a little bit of a learning curve. I will be doing a lot of transcribing of the doctors letters, booking appointments, entering in payroll, getting to know the Australian medical billing system and such but I'll get the hang of it soon.

Left: The front of the hospital
Right: My office. I have a window view and share it with a new girl Lisa who is starting on Monday the 6th of April.

During my lunch breaks I go for walks and admire the views. Mom these two pictures are for you and Henry. How would you like to have a Hybiscus like this in your yard? Henry, I have been stopping to smell the flowers along my way!

Left: A Hybiscus Tree
Right: An upclose view of one of the flowers on the tree.

Bryan's work hasn't changed and he is busy as ever. It is seeding time over here. The farmers are very busy hence so is Bryan. He's been working long hours and travelling all over Australia. Next week he is in McKay, Queensland. The month of March and April he will be travelling quite a bit. May is clear so far!

Left: CASE IH sign just outside Bryan's office
Right: Bryan standing just outside the front door of his work place.

For the Easter long weekend we are planning a mini vacation. We will have 4 days all to ourselves with no work or phone. Take a look on the internet for Shoal Bay, NSW. We will be staying at the Shoal Bay Resort. It is an ocean side resort with all the perks. We are really looking forward to having this much needed time together. Pictures will be on a future blog.

Well, I think that is all our news for now and I will get back to posting our new adventures in Australia since we came back from Canada.

Take care everyone and everyone take care!

All our love. Miss you all very much!

Bryan and Maureen