Current Sydney Time

Current Saskatoon Time

Sunday, May 3, 2009


A HUGE HELLO to family and friends back in Canada. Fall is here in Sydney and the weather is cooling down. Yes, it does get cool in Australia. Last week in Southern Australia they even had snow. A dirty word to us!

Now that I have things caught up from our trip back to Canada I need to get things caught up on our adventures in Australia since we've been back home here.

One of the first things we did after we got back and got over our jetlag was a bike trip of course. We decided one weekend that it would be nice to see the sun rise over the ocean. And that is exactly what we did. We rode to 'Manly Beach'. It was the closest beach to us where we could see the wonder of the sun rising over the big beautiful blue ocean. What a wonderful peaceful sight it was. I was a little shocked to see so many people out at that time of day. They were either walking, jogging, surfing or swimming.

Enjoy the pictures!
We hope you can feel some of the peace & tranquillity that we did!

After we watched the sunrise we went and had a lovely breakfast. Upon returning from breakfast we had the opportunity to view the skies in a different light. I wonderful bright double rainbow was streaking across the skies!

That concludes our sunrise at Manly Beach. Awesome sight to see and a fantastic experience to feel.

Keep checking on the blog for our Easter Weekend at Shoal Bay is coming next. The coastline is fantastic there and the views we were able to see were breathtaking.

Take care of yourselves and of each other. Till next time.

Love you all and missing you!
Bryan & Maureen