Current Sydney Time

Current Saskatoon Time

Friday, November 27, 2009


Hello again!

Well, it's been one year since we were married and what a wonderful, exciting, adventure filled year it has been. As Bryan has always promised me "Stick with me and you'll never have a dull moment". Well, dull it has NOT been. Although we miss all our family and friends back in Canada we've made some new ones, enjoyed having company from Canada and have grown immensly from all the that has transpired over the last year. From packing up and moving to Australia to seeing beautiful landscapes and beaches, to experiencing ocean life in various ways (snorkeling, diving, walking along beaches) to hiking, getting lost in a forest, to ........the list goes on and on. We have most importantly learned a lot about each other along our way. All good!

Well, for our first anniversary we decided to spend it in Sydney CBD (central business district). We stayed at a hotel right downtown Sydney for 3 days, 2 nights. Very interesting. We have never taken the time to explore the big downtown and thought we would this time. It was not disappointing. Sydney has a lot to offer as well. Our hotel had a wonderful city view both by day and night.

Left: View from our hotel room by night.

Right: View from our hotel room by sunrise.

What a view it was. You need to experience it to truely take in the beauty of the downtown core or Sydney. They have a market that is held at a place called "The Rocks" where individuals show their wares for the shopper. Neat different one of a kind items are available. It is blocks and blocks long. We also walked around Sydney CBD and the one thing that Sydney has done right was to keep their old buildings intact. The old architecture is fasinating to see. We walked a bit further and found a wonderful old church as well. The pictures below show a glimpse of the massive old buildings around to see.

Left: Old buildings redone on the inside being used but the outside kept in original state.

Right: The inside of the old church we can across.

We stopped for a coffee break during the day and had some unusual company with us. Yup, even the myna birds like to take a coffee break as well.

Left: Me standing at the base of the tree trunk. HUGE!

Right: I took a 'wide view' picture of the tree and still couldn't get it all in.

We did a lot of walking that weekend but it was very much worth every step we took for each new step provided us with another beautiful aspect of Sydney to view. We walked through a park and saw this massive tree.

We both had a wonderful time relaxing in each other's company, exploring the Sydney core and discovering so many new sights. It was a great way to celebrate our "First" wedding anniversay together learning more about this new country in which we live in and more importantly learning more about each and just relaxing in each other's company and love.

Take care of each other and everyone take care.

All our love.

Bryan and Maureen