Current Sydney Time

Current Saskatoon Time

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Hello again! I'm getting things caught up. Slowly but surely! The month of September 2009 was jam packed with fun with the arrival of friends from Canada. Here are some highlights of that visit.

We got home safe and well relaxed from our Honeymoon in Fiji and a few days later we were welcoming friends from good o'l Saskatchewan. Bill & Twyla Hayes came over to visit for a few weeks. Twyla and I met quite a few years ago in Martensville where our two sons were taking archery lessons. The friendship just grew from there and I was really excited to have them visit us in our new home down under.

ABOVE: Bill & Twyla's arrival at the Sydney's International Airport. Let the fun begin!

ABOVE: Bill & Twyla at Darling Harbour with the famous Opera House in the background.

ABOVE: Taken at Circular Quay Harbour on the train platform. Nice view!

ABOVE: The same day they arrived we took them to our favorite restaurant for supper that evening, Riccardo's in Wentworthville. Just over 1km walk from our unit. Bryan & I both agree that they make the best homemade pizza and homemade pasta that we've ever had. The owners Gabby and Vincent make you feel like you are part of their family - wonderful hosts!

ABOVE: Gail, this picture is for you too! TOOHEY!! Bill was on a quest while they were here. He had to try all the different beers that were available. He wracked up quite a list! Good on ya Bill! This is our favorite beer here. Toohey's (pronounced too-ee). As you can see this beer comes in 2 sizes. The small one is my size called a throw-back.

ABOVE: Bryan and I used up all of our holidays in Fiji so we had to make the most of our time on the weekends and on my Friday's off. I took Bill & Twyla to the 'Featherdale Zoo". A must to see. It is the best zoo within a reasonable driving distance from our place. I've been at this zoo a few times but I enjoy it each and every time!

ABOVE: Bill & Twyla petting the Koala at the zoo. Cute little furry animals.

ABOVE: Bill & Twyla feeding the kangaroos. They are really friendly at the zoo. The ice cream cones you can buy with food inside to feed them with. The look of excitment on their faces was priceless!

ABOVE: Early one Saturday morning all four of us took off to see the "Hunter Valley" region filled with wineries. Here Bill & Twyla are standing infront of a water fountain within the Hunter Valley Gardens. The gardens are over 60 acres of a wide variety of plant and flower life with an array of theme gardens and water features.

ABOVE: Bryan & Bill standing leaning on a statue in the gardens. Take a good look at what they are leaning on. Yup, only Bryan & Bill would think of this (and every other man I'm sure)! Ah, but we still love them. Too bad they weren't real guys!

LEFT: Throughout the gardens there are several very large postcards. This one "LOVE" I thought was one of the best.

RIGHT: "Storybook Time" One of the theme gardens where Bill & Twyla were sitting with Hujpty Dumpty!

ABOVE: A picturesque view of the Chineese Gardens in the Hunter Valley Gardens. Notice in the background there are trees with no leaves. Yes, September 1 is the start of the Spring season here and the leaves have not yet totally come out on some of the trees. Some of the trees here in Australia do loose their leaves during Winter.

ABOVE: At the Hunter Valley Gardens there is a little area with a few shops. One of them is the "Christmas in the Vines" shop where you can purchase an array of Christmas articles. Bill was on a hunt for something specific and he found it here. Six White Boomers pulling a sleigh. Yup, 6 Kangaroos pulling Santa's sleigh. Rolf Harris's song "Six White Boomers" an Australian Christmas song. Quite the find. Bill was so excited when he spied it in the store.

LEFT: Bill & Twyla in front of Sydney's oldest pub - "The Fortune of War". A really neat pub. Inside there is a list of conficts that came over and you can try and find your family name on the list. I hate to say it but Hayes was on the list.

RIGHT: Remember these blokes Twyla! What a bunch of characters these group of guys were. It was mid afternoon when we got to the pub but I am sure these guys have been there from the time it opened. We all walked into the pub and these guys came up to Twyla and I and wanted to show us a couple of magic tricks. They did that and more. Then they proceeded to show us a trick of their own by showing us how to drop a coin from your butt cheeks into a glass on the floor. And you know, they did it! Even in the state they were in, they succeeded. They even got Bryan to try it. They were heaps of fun making us laugh at times till we just about had tears. We all had a good time conversing with them and they really made the afternoon. Good Auzzie blokes having fun!

ABOVE: Our time together was coming to an end all too soon. I just want to send Bill & Twyla a couple of flowers (taken from the Hunter Valley Gardens) and say "Thank you" for coming to visit us. We had a gread time and enjoyed your company. The time, as it always is, was too short. You will have to return and stay a bit longer next time.

ABOVE: Bill, Twla and me at the Departure gate at the airport. I don't think you can see it much in this photo but the tears were falling. Both Twyla and I shed a few before they left. I won't tell you how many dropped after they left! It is really nice living here in Sydney Australia but it is even better when you have the opportunity to share it with others that you love.
Bill & Twyla - you guys take care and we hope to see you again here soon.

All our love Bryan & Maureen