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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Zealand Sep 08

LAKE TAUPO - Northern Island New Zealand

Situated 3.5 km off the southeastern shore of Lake Taupo (toe-paw) is Motutaiko Island. Owned by local Maori tribe, Ngati Tuwharetoa, the island is private land protected under Maori reserve status.

The island is significant in terms of its biodiversity, there are no animal pests such as possums or rodents, and it contains significant species such as a native carnivorous land snail and two species of mistletoe.

The island is a volcanic feature, a rhyolite (igneous rock) dome, the largest in the lake. The island was once a Pa site (fortified stronghold/village) and an ancient Maori burial cave exists where human remains can still be seen. The caves are considered tapu (sacred) and no visitors are allowed on the island.


Henry this is for you! We did stop and smelled the flowers. These are wild daffodils. They are everywhere in New Zealand. Nice sight to see.

We thought that the gas prices here in Australia were bad at $1.50+ per litre. How would you like to pay these gas prices?

On our way Ross (Bryan's co-worker who was traveling with us and use to live in New Zealand) took us to see the Huka Falls.

Matthew & Andrew this picture is for you. We saw this "Hobbit" Motel and we were going to stay in it but the rooms were all booked.


Friday night after arriving at Waitomo (winter population 40) we went to the local bar/eatery "Curly's". We had a wonderful time with Ross and his girfriend Tracy who tried to teach us how to speak Australian. They said that Canadian's open their mouths to wide and need to be more lazy when we talk like the Australian's. We laughed and laughed at each other all night. We also had the good fortune to meet people from all over the world. There were a group of young adults traveling together from all over. Some from the UK, Ireland, and even Canada. The above picture is of Willie (left) from Irelend. He lives only 40km from Coleraine Northern Ireland and the gentleman to the right, Peter is from Red Deer Albert a fellow Canadian. Very nice guys.

The picture on the right of them is of Ross (co-worker of Bryan's) and his girfriend Tracy. Tracy and I spent Friday together while Bryan and Ross worked. We had just a ball of fun together.
The next morning Ross & Tracy left bright and early for they had to travel several hours to go and see Ross's sister. Bryan & I had the weekend to ourselves.