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Current Saskatoon Time

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hello Everyone! - Sept 24 5PM - Aussie Time

Just thought I would write you all a little note to keep everyone up-to-date on things over here.

Spring is here! Last weekend the weather was fantastic with tops of approximately 25 and 31C. Very nice indeed. Saturday we went and closed the deal on our new vehicle. We purchased a Hyundai Tucson. We should get it by the end of the month. Then we went to Shelly Beach. It was really really busy. It kinda gave us an idea of how the Summer will be.

We did a little bit more shopping on Sunday and bought a cappuccino machine. We were getting tired of paying $3.75 and more per "Flat White" - which is kinda like a cappuccino. We would of had a machine basically paid for already. So, now we can make all the flat whites we want. Be assured we'll make you guys one when you come over too. We also bought a microwave. Funny how you miss things when you don't have them. We bought some microwave popcorn yesterday and we're looking forward to having that!

After shopping we just went home and tried out our new cappuccino machine. It takes a bit getting used to.

Monday morning was not a good one. Bryan left for work as usual and came back up to the unit a couple of minutes later to inform me that our garage was broken into. Our garage is two floors underground. The intruders busted a small window in the back seat, passenger side. They took our GPS unit and later we found out Bryan's wallet as well.

Bryan called the police right away and later that morning they sent a forensic policeman and he did the whole CSI thing. He tried to dust the outside of the car for prints but the perpetrators wore gloves. He did spot some blood on the broken window and he was very excited about that. He is going to send it off for DNA. He was very positive about getting the perpetrator. They also had quite the spending spree that night as well. They went to quite a few other Sydney suburbs and went from 7-11, to several petrol stations to McDonalds to a tobacconist to EB Games. Little do they realize that several of the places they went have CCTV and the police will be getting their video tapes. They are good as caught. There was 17 break-ins that the forensic went to that morning. We were just one of many. Rest asured everyone we were told that Westmead is a good area to live in. We had to take back our hire car and get another one. This time we gave them my driver's licience and now I can drive!! Good for me but not so good for Bryan. I have driven a couple of times this weekend and I think I am doing not too bad but I guess I still have some improving to do! Not so easy to drive on the wrong side of the road and sit on the wrong side of the car.

I am still trying to get a few more things organized in our unit. We still need some bedroom furniture and a couple of other items but our unit is really starting to feel like home. Bryan is very busy with work but he is enjoying it too.

I should have the last segment of New Zealand done sometime this week so keep checking the blog. I appologize for not having the wedding slide show posted yet but I am still trying to figure out how to post a powerpoint presentation or how to change a slide show into a video. I'll get there though! Perseverance!!

I hope you all are doing well. We are just fine over here. Take excellent care of yourselves and of each other. Send emails and keep in touch. That's all for now.

All Our Love Bryan & Maureen