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Current Saskatoon Time

Monday, August 10, 2009

JUNE 09 - First Wedding Anniversary

Wow, one year has passed by!

It is true when they say "time flies". I can't believe that it has been one year since our wedding and one year since we've moved to Australia. This year for us certainly has been filled with lots of love, fun, adventure, many new experiences, lots of learning, meeting great new people, and of course some bumps alone the way (which I guess is to be expected when moving to another country).

Quite some time ago I made up a slide show of the highlights of our wedding day. I wanted to upload it into our blog but have not found a way to do that. I had to compromise. What I was able to do is to save each slide in a different format and insert each slide into this post. The writing maybe hard to see so I will include the writing from each slide below its perspective picture. If you click on the picture you will be able to see it in a larger format and thus see the writing as well.

Hope you all enjoy the highlights of our Wedding as I have (with wonderful memmories ) while creating this post.

Our wedding was held at the University of Saskatchewan Faculty Club. The weather was on our side for the day. Couldn't ask for a more beautiful day! This picture shows a few of our wedding guests as they wait for the ceremony to start.

Bryan's son Adam played the saxophone while Bryan and I walked to meet each other.

Wedding party: (left to right) Paula Mason, Gail Finley, Bride, Groom, Adam Willett, Andrew, Willett

We met up together half way down the path and together walked up to the alter.

Both Bryan and I wrote our own wedding vows.

At the signing of the marriage licience we had our two moms sign as witnesses.

This slide says it all. First kiss as husband and wife and a very happy Bride and Groom.

A slide showing a few of our guests at the reception.

Bryan's Andrew and Karissa bought us each a "Saskatoon Rough Riders" t-shirt and presented it to us at the reception. Very fitting. A few guests mingling and having a good time.

More pictures of guests having fun.

Just before the wedding dance, Adam had his own personal gift for us. He wrote and composed a song that he sang for us at the reception.

Our first dance. Bryan and & took dance lessons for a while before the wedding. This was our chance to put into practice what we learned. Must say that my dress did get in the way.

Deepak was up to his usual tricks at the dance. Crazy guy, but a lot of fun! My four sisters dragged Bryan up and had their own personal dance with the Groom. Brave man! Crazy Sisters!

Mom and Dad Willett enjoying the dance along with other guests.

More guests trying out the dance floor.


Bryan with his two boys Andrew (left) Adam (right)

Bryan and his family (left to right) niece Olivia, brother Jeff, sister-in-law Susan

Bryan with his parents, brother and sister-in-law.

Jerry & Gloria Reimer. Gloria married us. It was also Jerry & Gloria's wedding anniversary too.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our parents, family & friends for their love, support and their helping hands.

Your presence & steadfast love you have all shown us, we are truly greatful and thankful for.

Without your gracious love and assistance we would not have made it to where are are today.

Also, THANK YOU, to everyone for their hearfelt gifts and words of encouragement. They were all greatly appreciated and we have utilized your gifts towards making our new place in Australia feel like HOME!

All our love

Bryan & Maureen