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Sunday, August 2, 2009

MARCH 09 Trip to Lithgow & Ulysses Club Show

Hello again. Here we go with our continuing adventures down under. Let's back up a bit and start with where I left off March 09. As mentioned in my last post a more detailed view of the last few months we've been here.

In March we took a real nice bike ride to Lithgow, NSW. It is a beautiful ride through the hills and mountains just North of here.

On our way we stopped at a quaint little restaurant for lunch. We ate outsisde (it was pretty warm that day) and had a great view as well.

On our travels we stumbled across the 'Mount Tomah Botanic Gardens'. We stopped and smelled the flowers and took in the views. A must to see in Spring or Summer to capture the flowers in full bloom.

Bryan standing among the flowers. Me among some small tropical trees. Boy, doI feel even shorter!

After we took in the magnificant gardens we went on our way and continued our ride along the 'Bells Line of Road' and just took in the breathtaking views and sites around us.

This is just one example of the views that we saw along this bike trip. The road twisted and curved all along the way. Jeff you would love this ride on your bike.
Another event we took went to in March 09 was to take in the Ullysses Bike Club Annual General Meeting which was held in Penrith, NSW about 30 minutes Northwest of us. There the shops displayed all their latest in bike paraphernalia and of course the latest in motorbikes as well. We did find a wonderful cruiser bike that we put on our wish list. Maybe the bike for us come retirement or sooner, we'll just have to see!

There is fellow rider that rides his bike here for and raises a lot of money for charity. He has a special passenger on his bike. A four legged passenger. Yes, man's best friend, a dog. This dog does literally ride with him everywhere. The name of the man and his dog I cannot remember but he raises a lot of money for charity and is quite the spectical on the streets. The government is trying to get him off the road unfortunately for they say it is not safe for him, the dog or other people on the road. He was at the show and was very happy to pose for pictures.

Picture above shows a few of the bikes that people rode to the show. Impressive turnout!

Well, that concludes our March here in Australia. Hope this post finds you all well and enoying your Summer. We've heard you really haven't had much of a summer weather wise. Let's hope it improves for you and lasts right into Fall. Keep watch for April 09 post will be coming soon.

All our love,
Bryan and Maureen