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Current Saskatoon Time

Saturday, March 14, 2009



After landing safely at the Denver CO airport Bryan and I along with Justin (a supplier support person from Perth) and Peter (a Dealer located abour 2 hours East of Perth) went directly to the NHL Hockey game between Colorado Avalanche and Calgary Flames. It was quite the experience. Bryan has been to many NHL hockey games but this was my first one. What a huge staduim. The game was good but to be honest Calgary could of played a lot better. I've seen better games on TV. But none the less it was great to see a live game.

Left: The huge arena in Denver
Right: Face-off at centre ice

Left: A scuffle at the Calgary end of the rink.
Right: The final score. Not good for Calgary!

From Left to Right: Bryan, Peter and Justin enjoying a beer with the game!

After the game we all went back to the hotel for it was late and the guys had an early morning the next day.

While Bryan was at the conference during the day I went to the pool, gym and of course to the shops. I even stopped in at Macy's. Didn't care much for the store. Quite pricey!

Joan, these pictures are for you! You wanted me to take some pictures of the "Rocky Mountains". Well, unfortunately, we were unable to get any closer than this to see the beautiful mountains. Maybe next year!

A view from our balcony of the 2 pools in the hotel complex. One was closed for the winter, the open one was heated along with the hot tub.

Left: A picture from the balcony of our hotel room. Looks like a storm is coming but it didn't turn into anything.
Right: A beautiful Denver sunset.

Well, that concludes our visit to Denver Colorado.

Next stop is SEATTLE WA to visit Andrew and see how he was doing at his diving school.

Take care!

Bryan & Maureen