Current Sydney Time

Current Saskatoon Time

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Well, this is the last post of our trip back to Canada. After we left Denver CO we travelled to Seattle to visit Andrew (Willett). He is taking his Commercial Diving course there. It was really interesting to see what he has been doing the last few months.

Us driving from the airport and coming into Seattle WA downtown skyline.

Bryan, Andrew and Me infront of the Diver's Institute boat.

The dock with all the diver's project material for underwater tasks that they have to complete.

Andrew showing Bryan the air and pressure gauges for the divers.

Andrew showing us his dive gear.

After we finished visiting Andrew's school we went to our hotel and settled. Andrew joined us for the weekend at the hotel which was nice. It allowed us to spend a lot more time with him. The next day we walked to the harbourside of Seattle downtown area where we took in the Seattle Aquarium and the Saturday Market. Here are a few highlights:

Seattle WA Harbour with city centre in the background.

Right: Seattle Aquarium

Bryan fighting an octopus

Right: The famous 'Nimo'.


The 'Willet' Bird

Right: The explaination of how the 'Willet' startles their prey.

The sign reads, " In order to startle predators, the 'Willet' sits quietly until the last second and then 'explodes' out of hiding flying directly at the face of the trespassor in a dizzying blur of black and white wing feathers.

I know someone like that. I married him! (ha! ha!)
We had lots of fun looking at all the different sea and bird life at the aquarium. After the aquarium we went for lunch at this really neat little cafe and had soup in a homemade bread bowl. After lunch Andrew took us to the Seattle 'Public Market'. There was sea food on top of sea food to be found. Lots of fruit, veggies and people displaying their wares. A very very neat place to seee and lots to enjoy.

The entrance to the 'Public Market'.

For supper Andrew suggested Chineese food. We thought that was a great idea. He told us that the whole menu was made out of tofu. We have never had tofu before but Andrew assured us that even the chicken balls taste like real chicken ball. Well, Andrew was right. Everything we ordered did taste exactly as if it was real. Very neat. Great suggestion Andrew!
Well, the next morning we were on our way back to Sydney via Vancouver. Once in Vancouver things at the airport did not go as scheduled. We found out that we were not sitting together on the plane and a few rows apart as well. We were not impressed with that. The airline could not guarantee us that once in flight we would be sitting together so we opted not to board the flight and take the flight out the next evening.
This gave s a chance to call up my nephew Christopher Brompton and to visit with him the next day before our flight left in the evening. We spent some time in the hotel room and then went out for a really nice supper and then Chris drove us to the airport which was really nice. It was a real treat to see Chris and to have such a good visit with him. Well, we did finally make it back home to Sydney. I must say the weather when we got back was a lot nicer than in Canada and the USA.
Well, that concludes our 'Trip Back to Canada'. Keep your eyes on our blog for there are a couple of adventures that we've had since we've been back home that I have to post. I will try to get them posted as soon as possible.

Take care everyone and everyone take care of each other.

All our love,
Bryan & Maureen