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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Our Trip Back to Canada - Kamloops, BC Visit

Hello Everyone! Canada here we come!

Our visit back to Canada was wonderful. It was so nice to see family and friends. Our first stop in Canada was in Kamloops. We arrived on December 27 2008. We stayed with Bryan's family - brother Jeff, sister-in-law Susan and their kids Roman and Olivia. Bryan's Andrew was up from Seattle and his girlfriend Karissa from Saskatoon were there as well. We had such a good time. They planned a ski trip to Sun Peaks which was an experience on its own expecially for me who has never been on skis before. Bryan and Andrew went on the bigger hills while Karissa and I stayed on the beginner hills for the day.

Left: Jeff, Bryan, Slava, Andrew & Karissa at Sun Peaks Ski Resort
Right: Olivia, Susan, Andrew, Karissa and Jeff

Me on skis!

Bryan was very nice to stay with me for the morning and he gave me a few skiing lessons before he left for the bigger, more advanced hills. I must say he is a very good teacher but after going down the hill just a couple of times he took my poles away! It was such a good time.

Left: Picture of one of the more advanced ski runs
Right: View of the mountain top showing other ski runs and Andrew

When Bryan was on the more difficult runs he was able to snap a few really good pictures. The picture on the Left is one of pine trees covered with massive snow. Bryan said they call these 'snow ghosts'. The picture on the Right is of a look from coming down on one of the ski runs. Beautiful sights to see and I'm hoping that next year, no, I know next year I will try one of the more difficult hills.

This picture that Bryan took as well I think just sums up the beauty on the mountains. The sun setting, the snow brushed trees and the white powder for all to enjoy. My time at Kamloops was really enjoyable but very short. Bryan was able to stay another couple of days and took in one more day of skiing and visiting with family.

Our next stop - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.