Current Sydney Time

Current Saskatoon Time

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Simply surprising. We decided to go for a walk and do a little exploration in our own neighbourhood. A short walk that took us from our unit through the campuses of Westmead and Cumberland hospitals. We stayed close to the river to see the scenery and along one point I looked up into the trees and saw hundreds of BATS!!! Once I directed Maureen's attention to the tree tops a short thottled squeal of recognition erupted from her throat.

I must give her credit for courage as she doesn't like bats but she was facinated enough to take the pictures. However I knew she was steeling her courage due to the repeated semi-stifled gurgles of "Oh my God, Oh my God".
Me? Well I wanted to come back at dusk to see them fly around but permission was not granted.

These are Fruit Bats, also know as Flying Foxes. They have a foxes coloring below the neck and are one of the largest bats weiging in at 1 Kg (2.2 lbs).

I just wanted to shake the trees and watch them all take off at once. Again! Permission was denied. Now I'm looking for my Batman suit to go join them.