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Monday, October 20, 2008

Our New Wheels

Hello everyone!

I hope this all finds you well. I'm sorry that I haven't updated the blog in a while. Bryan has been very busy at work and we just got back from Darling Harbour on Monday. Bryan had a corporate event there on the weekend and WOW was it nice. I will have a post on our weekend at the Taronga Zoo (Sydney Zoo) and the corporate weekend soon. I just thought I would touch base with everyone and show you our new wheels.

We just got our new Hyundai Tuscon this past week and it is really nice. Bryan is really enjoying it. It has everything that we need. It has a lot of room for all of Bryan's diving gear and all of the luggage that you guys will have when you come over. It also has Bluetooth capabilities for the mobile phone so he has hooked it up through the car radio and when a call comes in he can talk hands free which is a great thing over here for if you are caught on the mobile while driving you can get a huge fine. I think it is something like $250 min. They are very stricted about that. A good thing with all the traffic here. I haven't had an opportunity to drive it yet but will have the chance on Thursday and Friday for we are going out of town again. We are heading to Horsham Victoria for a couple of days which is South of NSW. Bryan has work over there for a couple of days. So I get to acquire more driving experience. I'm getting better. I drove by myself last week. I was quite proud of myself. We had to pick up the new car and drop off the hire car in St. Mary's (where Bryan works). It is about a 30 minute drive from where we live. I must say that I did pretty good. No prangs!

Bryan in the drivers side of our new wheels in front of the Four Seasons Hotel, downtown Sydney.

Well, Spring has really sprung over here. The trees are in full bloom and the flowers as well. The air is filled with a sweet perfume. The temperature has been good as well. Today is quite cool with a top of 14C. and raining. Very low for this time of year. But, the weekend is suppose to be about 28 - 35C. My kind of temperature.

We are having our first visitor coming on November 6th. DVonne a girfriend of mine that I met at Business College is coming over for about a month. It will be nice to see her. Harvey and Donna from the Pike Lake area where we had the acreage are suppose to be joining us as well in November. Nice! Party time at the Willetts!!

Well, I think that is about all for now. I will try hard to get the Zoo and the Darling Harbour Corporate weekend posted soon. They were both just fantastic. Our bedroom furniture should be delivered by the end of the month so once that is done I will take another video of the unit and post that as well so you all can see the unit furnished.

Take care everyone and take care of each other. We love you all and miss you too!!

A picture of us taken from the boat at Darling Harbour at the corporate weekend.