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Friday, October 24, 2008

Taronga Zoo Oct 12 08

Hello Everyone!

Sorry it has taken me so long to get things caught up on our blog. I also appologize for the layout of the blog. I am trying to work on it to make the viewing a lot more pleasing to the eyes but I have not quite figured it out yet. I will keep on trying. Our time over here has continued to be one adventure after another - one new place to see and new things to do all the time. We would not want it to be any other way. We are loving every minute of it!

A couple of weekends ago we took a trip to the Taronga Zoo (Sydney's Zoo). We could of driven there but the parking is not very good and our other option was more of an adventure to us, so we took the later option. We started off by taking the train to 'Circular Quay' a harbour by Sydney in which we had to make a train transfer in the process. Then we took the ferry over to the zoo. This is a 17 minute ferry ride but the view alone is worth the ride.

The morning we left was pretty cloudy but the sun decided to shine on us in the afternoon.

A picture of the Wharf where we took the ferry over to the zoo.

The ferry ride was a great opportunity to try and get some shots of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the Sydney Opera House and the skyline.

Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney Opera House - picture taken from the ferry

Once at the zoo we had two options to get from the ferry to the zoo. You could take a bus up to the zoo or a tram. We decided on the tram. What a view!

View from the Tram - on our way up to start our zoo adventure.

There are so many different animals to see at the zoo. To many to post but here are some highlights. Again the vegatation is incredible.

Bryan standing under one HUGE tree.

Left: Seal poking his head out of the water.
Right: Baby elephant playing with the swing of tires.

Left: Baby rhino.
Right: Meerkat having a good look around.

Left: Tree Kangaroo - Not your typical Kangaroo!
Right: Spider Monkey. What a tail on this fellow!

We also attended the 'Seal Show' at the zoo. Very good show. The seals are very good at doing their trick and fast too. It was really hard to get a good picture.

The seal jumped on the side of the pool to greet his audience.
He has a pretty good balancing act.

The Komodo Dragon - the world's largest lizard.
Pretty mean looking lizard.

The gorillas I must say I thought were the highlight of our zoo trip. The big male with the light colored back is called the 'Silverback Gorilla'. He is a massive animal and is truly the King of the jungle. His siblings know he's boss and watch their father intently and listen to his every gesture. Really magnificent to watch.

Western Lowland Gorilla - named 'Kibabu'. He was born in 1977. He is a good role model and has total control over the group. Kibabu has 4 children.

Left: I think I see a bit of a smile.
Right: Nice teeth!

Left: I think the little one is getting 'the look'.
Right: Momma & baby. What a way to catch a ride.

After we were done our zoo trip we decided to go for a walk along 'Circular Quay'. We came across a native man playing the didjeridoo. It is like a long wooden flute and has claims of being the oldest musical instrument in the world. The didjeridoo is the 'sound' of Australia. The music is really nice with a catchy beat. He put on a little show for us as well. We bought a couple of his CD's to enjoy.

After walking around the harbour we decided that we would like to take the train across the Sydney Harbour Bridge. That was nice! Upon leaving the train station and just walking around a bit outside we discovered that you can walk across the bridge. So we did! Beautiful views!

Bryan just getting off of the train. Me at the start of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

Views from the walk across the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

As we were walking across the bridge we saw some people climbing up the bridge. You can literally climb up the bridge if you so desire. I have looked this climbing exposition up on the internet and Bryan and I were talking about it as we were watching these people climb their way up. Yes, you can expect to see a posting on the blog about us climbing the bridge soon. Don't worry you are harnessed in and tied off and are led by a pro. Imagine the views!!

People climbing up the bridge. See the tiny people on the top. That will be us soon!

Well, that completes our adventure at the Taronga Zoo. It was quite the experience. As I mentioned earlier everything we do is a real adventure. The weather is getting really nice over here and the foilage is in full bloom.

Just thought we would leave you with one last photo. Wish you all were here but we'll enjoy the weather and scenery for you all!!! Enjoy your WINTER!! (Corporate weekend @Darling Harbour and our latest beach find coming this week)