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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Newcastle Drive Oct 25 08

Hello again everyone!

Surprise! Surprise! I'm finally getting things all caught up on the blog. Yes, I've even surprised myself. I had to learn a bit about the language of 'html' so I can make the blog look a bit better and that took some doing! The pictures and words on the last couple of posts were going all over the place. But, I've figured out some stuff. Enough I guess for now to make things look OK. I'll keep plugging away at it.

Can you believe it! Me driving!!

Yes, that's me driving in our new Tuscon on our way to Newcastle. Now I can drive on the wrong side of the road "legally"! The drive takes about 4 hours one way but even though it is only about 150kms. We took the scenic route that takes you down a costal highway (a longer drive but worth the views).Very beautiful drive. Bryan did pretty good with me driving. About 2 hours into our drive we needed to stop for gas. I went into the store to get us a munchie and when I got back guess who was in the drivers' seat? Yup, Bryan. I guess he had enough of my driving for one day. Don't really blame him either!

On our way we stopped at 'Wyong Shire'. It was like a lake filled with black swans. Beautiful area.

Lake at Wyong Shire

After stopping to admire the view we were on our way again. We actually wanted to find a beach called 'Signa Beach'. Along our way we came across another beach that was again beautiful. But of all the beaches we have been to thus far we have not found one we didn't like. They are all beautiful.

Bryan checking out the water at 'Blacksmith's Beach

Eventually we made it to Signa Beach. We saw a couple walking towards us and decided to ask them how far the beach was. Much to our dismay they told us that they quit trying to get to the beach for it was about 5kms farther from where they quit walking. We asked another gentleman we saw and he said it is only accessible via ATV. Now we understood why we saw nothing but yutes (trucks) in the parking lot and all of them had trailers attached. I guess we won't be going to that beach any time soon. You also have to purchase a permit to to on the beach with your ATV also. Not the beach for us. Oh well, live and learn.

It was getting onto about 2:30pm now, hot and we were desperate to find a beach to cool off. About a half an hour later we did. The beach is called 'One Mile Beach' and holds true to its' name. One really long beach with mounds and mounds of sand all over the place.

Left: Mounds of sand @ 1 Mile Beach

Right: Huge waves @ the beach

Left: Sand, sand and more sand

Right: Bryan rock climbing and exploring while I soaked up some sun.

On our way back we saw all these cars that were pulled over on the side of the road and looking at this tree. We thought there must be something to see. Much to our surprise there was a cute furry fellow in the tree.

Can you spot the little guy in the tree?

One little cute Koala sitting in the tree munching away. This is quite the sight to see for the Koala sleeps the majority of it's day.

Well that's the end of our Newcastle drive. It was a lot of fun and I must say that seeing a Koala in the wild was the highlight. Our drive to Victoria (the state south of NSW) coming soon. Keep checking things out!

Our love to all,
Bryan & Maureen