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Current Saskatoon Time

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Let's Get Caught Up!

Hello Everyone!

Firstly I will appologize for not having our blog up-to-date. Things have been very busy with Canadian company, Christmas and our trip back to Canada. But I know, that's no excuse! I hope to try and get caught up over the next couple of weeks so please keep checking things periodically to see what has been happening for us over the last couple of months.

As you can see we FINALLY got the motorbike out of customs. We got it plated on December 23, 2008 and took her out for a ride on Christmas day (which will be on the blog soon).

I will go back a couple months and post a few highlights on places we've seen, our Victoria trip, Canadian visitors, CNH Christmas Party, Our First Aussie Christmas, Kamloops visit, Saskatoon visit, and the Denver NHL Hockey Game.

Bryan has been very very busy since we got back from Canada and has been out of town the majority of the time. He is currently on his way to the state of Victoria (South of us). Victoria is currently going through severe bush fires and the total number of deaths as I am typing here is over 180 and expected to climb. Extreme heat and last night very strong winds (100 kms) have made the state an area of disaster. Please keep in mind and in your prayers the people in the state of Victoria. Bryan should be OK as he is driving through the North part of Victoria and the fires in this area are not as severe.

I hope everyone is fine and enjoy the blog.
Love you all and missing everyone!

Bryan & Maureen