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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Victoria Trip October 2008


Well, here we go with the updates! First I would like to take you on a little trip to Victoria. Yes, right now Victoria is in a state of disaster but when we were there at the end of October 2008 we thought it was a beautiful State. Lots to see. As we were driving toward a place called 'Yass' we came upon a McDonalds sign that we just had to stop and take a picture of. See if you can figure out the humor we saw in this sign!!

On our travels we came to a city called Bendigo. We had a bit of trouble getting through this city and spent about an hour and a half going around and around until we got out in the right direction. I must add we didn't have 'Sheila' (our GPS) at the time. That's our excuse and we're sticking to it! This old church in the city just caught my eye. Beautiful architecture.
The countryside we saw was very beautiful. We stopped at a couple of beaches and took in the sights. Further along our way we drove through the city of Melbourne.

Left: View of the countryside
Right: A wild echidna on the roadside

Above: Melbourne CBD (downtown view).

Further on on our travels we passed a windmill tourist place where you could stop and learn about the windmills and get up close to them. Wow, are they huge. It was quite amazing to see these white wind towers up close.

Again we take every opportunity to stop and enjoy beaches along our way. I think that is our favorite thing to do while traveling. Exploring beaches! This is one we stopped at on our way called 'Lakes Entrance.

Left: Bryan getting caught in a wave
Right: Pictures of a cool wave

Another tourist sight sort of out of the way was one worth seeing. It was that of an old trestle bridge. I think the pictures speak for themselves.

Bryan on the trestle bridge. He climbs wherever and whatever he can and loves it!

Well, I think that is all for our Victoria trip. Keep checking the blog for I think I'm on a roll now.

Take care of everyone and everyone take care!

Bryan & Maureen