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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Bryan's Dive in Australia Dec 2008

Hello Hello! I'm getting closer and closer to getting caught up with the posts.

When Bryan was in Australia a couple of years ago he connected with a fellow diver by the name of Lorraine. She was kind enough not only to take him diving but to show him a few sights around the Sydney area. Well Lorraine's husband, Theo works for a diving shop called 'Frog Dive'. Bryan has kept in contact with Lorraine and she invited us to the Frog Dive's Christmas Dive and Party at Kurnell, near Sydney. Bryan of course accepted without any delay. It was a cooler day and very very windy but a good time was had by all. Oh ya, Santa came and talked to all the kids bearing gifts and candy.

Left: Bryan getting ready to dive.
Right: Bryan and Theo (a master diver) making their way into the ocean.

Left: Bryan and his diving partner, Theo making their way into deeper waters.
Right: The two divers are in the bottom of a big swell.

Although you may not be able to see the severity of the ocean from these pictures but the day of the dive was extremely windy. Lorraine, last minute, just before walking into the ocean decided that it was too windy to do a dive and backed out. There were quite a few divers that came that day with full intentions of diving but they too thought it was way to windy. Bryan and Theo were the only ones that dove that day. Later driving home we heard on the radio that the winds in that area reached over 70-80kms. Way too windy.

Bryan mentioned after the dive that getting out into the ocean far enough to clear the rocks was hard but trying to fight the waves and getting back in was even harder. Then there was the long walk from the ocean front to the picnic are. Quite the walk to begin with let alone after a rough dive. Bryan agreed that he would not dive in those conditions again. There would be better days to dive in. He had a lot of fun diving once under the water. Theo was great to dive with for he was showing Bryan lots of different things under the water that he had never saw before. All in all he had a good time despite the wind and the waves.

The 'Frog Dive' also had a surprise for all the kids that came with their families. You guessed it, Santa made his way to the beach bringing gifts and candy for all the good boys and girls.

Santa handing out gifts and candy. Notice the wonderful ocean in the background. Not what we're used to.

After the party was over and everyone's stomach was full of great food we made our way up the road a bit to and saw some wonderful sights.

Left: A view of the rugged coastline.
Right: In the distance you can see Sydney CBD.

Left: Two cargo ships passing.
Right: A seadoo having a blast in the open ocean.

We also found out that this is a great area to watch whales as they pass by in the winter months.
After viewing the wonders around us we made our way back home. There was a nice rain just before we got home and it left us with a wonderful sight to see from our balcony.

You can see the bright double rainbow that lit up the sky for all to enjoy as the sun was setting in the Western sky. That concludes the diving experience and scenery wonders that we both enjoyed so much.

Everyone take good care of yourselves and of each other!

Love always,
Bryan & Maureen