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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

CNH Christmas Party Dec 2008

On December 20th, 2008 we attended Bryan's first Australian CNH Christmas Party. It was really something. All the festivities were on a boat that had glass walls from floor to ceiling. It also had an upper deck where you could take in all the panoramic night views of Sydney Harbour. Really something to see. We took the train down to Darling Harbour and walked to the wharf where the boat left from.

Upon boarding the boat we were met with a warm welcome with trays that held a variety of drinks for everyone. It was really nice to meet some new people and to see some of others that I have met once or twice before. Everyone was very very friendly.

Above: People boarding the boat. Notice the glass walls and the gentlemen on the top deck waiting to greet us with drinks and appetizers.

Above: One of the views from the boat through the glass walls. Sydney Harbour Bridge is in the background.

Above: A view of the front of the boat. There are spiral staircases outside leading up to the upper deck located on either side of the band.

That is all the pictures I have of the Christmas party. Unfortunately, it was late in the day when we boarded and darkness came all to quick. I believe a need either a better camera, a tripod or a few lessons on taking pictures at night. We met up with Colin (co-worker of Bryan's) and his wife, wonderful couple and both her and I love to dance. Bryan was busy visiting with Colin and she asked me to dance and I gladly accepted the invitation and we both had a blast dancing while our husbands conversed upstairs. Bryan was off the hook! We both had a wonderful time and can't wait until the next time we get the opportunity to go on a supper cruise on the ocean. I think it will be a must to do with the next fortunate company from Canada that comes down our way. Now, if that's not a good enough bribe then I don't know what is!! There are several supper cruises that we can take advantage of over here. Start planning your trip people!

Bryan & Maureen