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Current Saskatoon Time

Monday, February 9, 2009

Our First Canadian Visitors Nov-Dec 2008

We were so excited to hear that airplane tickets have been booked!

DVonne Scrivens, my girlfriend from Saskatoon SK made her way down under in November and our neighbours from Pike Lake, SK Harvey and Donna Pippin found their way to Aussieland in December.

We had great fun sharing with our friends the sights and wonders that we had experienced and new ones we shared together as well. We went from Darling Harbour to Circular Quay to the Sydney Opera House to whale watching to the lighting of the Christmas tree at Darling Harbour to the Blue Mountains to many many more sights and great food. Here are a few highlights from our Canadian visitors.

Left: DVonne and I in front of Criniti's (one of our favorite places to eat).
Right: DVonne having her birthday dessert .

DVonne and I at Darling Harbour with local native playing the didgeridoo. Nice sounding!

Left & Right: DVonne at the world famous Bondi Beach.

DVonne and I took the train down to Bondi and spent the day soaking up the sun and looking at all the great sights around us. Next, I took DVonne to the Koala Park Zoo in Castle Hill where she was able to pet a Koala and feed the Kangaroos. At the Zoo we met a fellow Canadian named Sam. He was from Calgary and joined us in our tour of the Zoo. Later we met up with Bryan after work and went had coffee.

DVonne feeding the kangaroo and petting the Koala.

Next on our list we took a drive to the 'Blue Mountains'. They are roughly about an hour West of Westmead. We took in the sights for the day and saw quite a few breathtaking ones at that.

Left: DVonne and I infront of the 'Three Sisters'.
Right: A waterfall in the Blue Mountains.

Whale watching is something that Bryan and I have wanted to do since we came to Australia. We decided to take DVonne and hope to see a bunch of whales. The company that took us out guaranteed that if you did not see a whale that you could sail again with them as many times as it took until you saw a whale. Can't beat that!

So off we went. The day was pretty windy and the boat rocked a lot with the ever swelling waves of the ocean. There was about 50 or so people on the pretty big boad and because of the rough seas many stayed inside the cabin with paper bags in hand (sea sickness was had by many). It didn't seem to bother us at all. It was quite the opposite for us. The three of us stood at the very front of the boat hoping to get the best view when the whales came by. The longer we were out the rougher the seas became and we became wet like the sea in no time flat. The boat went up and down with the waves and it felt like we were on a roller coaster ride. One huge wave came up and it even lifted us off of our feet. We were soaked but having the time of our lifes riding the waves with the boat. Unfortunately, we didn't see any whales but we didn't mind for the boat ride was an experience on its own.
A week later we did the whale watching tour again. The day was predicting calmer seas but if they were rough we wouldn't mind at all either. The whale watching this time was very successful. We not only seen whales but also a couple pods of dolphins too.

Left: A pod of dolpins swim alongside the boat
Right: A humpback whale.

The boat had to stay quite a distance away from the whale for she had a little pup along her side. Unfortunately in this picture the pup was not visible. It is the law that when a pup is spotted that any boat has to stay a safe distance away to protect the pup. Wow it was really exciting to see the mumma and babe in the wild. Really really worth the trip.

After whale watching we met up with Sam from Canada and we all went to Darling Harbour for supper. It was Sam's last day in Australia. Poor guy had to go home! Fun was had by all.

DVonne also had a cruise that she went on in the beginning of December. She left on her cruise and Harvey and Donna Pippin from Pike Lake area landed in Sydney.

Left: Harvey & Donna's arrival. Note the Christmas Tree in the background.

Harvey and Donna brought with them two more t-shirts saying the same, a gift for Bryan and I. We had a nice visit over supper that night and the next day since Bryan had to work I took Harvey and Donna to Circular Quay to see the Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge.

Left: Look up, look way up! Harvey & Donna on top of the Opera House
Right: Harvey & Donna in front of the Harbour Bridge.

On our way back from Circular Quay we stopped at the Town Hall Train Station. There the train stops below a fantastic shopping centre. Yes, I know that you are all thinkning. No, it's not the contents of the shops that interested me, it's the building itself. I had to take Donna & Harvey for a little tour. They seemed to be impressed also. Harvey was really taken with the huge clock in the centre of the building. It was also all decked out for Christmas too. A lovely sight.

Left: The second floor of the 'Queen Victoria Building' at the Town Hall Train Station. The clock in the centre is huge.
Right: Harvey & Donna in front of the huge 3 storey Christmas Tree.

On the weekend the four of us went down to Darling Harbour for they were having their annual lighting of the huge Christmas Tree. There was a choir singing Christmas songs and following that was a nice fireworks display. We went down early and had supper before we took in the festivities.

Down at Darling Harbour

Left: Christmas Tree @ Darling Harbour.
Right: Fireworks after lighting of the tree.

Harvey this one is for you!


Well that concludes our highlights from our Canadian visitors. Bryan and I truely appreciated DVonne and Harvey & Donna coming to visit. We had a great time visiting, catching up and sharing some of Australia with them. We hope to continue to receive more Canadian company in the very very near future.

Bryan & Maureen